The example_PNW dataset contains forecasted readings for temperature (TSK), elevation (HGT), and wind velocity (U10 & V10) across the Pacific Northwest 7 hours after 12pm on July 15, 2020. This data is used in several examples in the package documentation.

This dataset was generated on 2020-09-29 by running:


example_PNW <- wrf_load(
  localPath = "~/Data/WRF/",
  varNames = c('HGT', 'TSK', 'U10', 'V10'),
  res = 0.06,
  xlim = c(-125, -111),
  ylim = c(42, 49)

# Have to manually set the title since the filename format is outdated
example_PNW@title <- "PNW-4km 2020-07-15 12 PM, forecast hour 7"

save(example_PNW, file = "data/example_PNW.rda", compress = "xz")


A RasterBrick containing 4 RasterLayers.