Loads pre-generated .rda files containing hourly AirNow data.
If archiveDataDir
is defined, data will be loaded from this local
archive. Otherwise, data will be loaded from the monitoring data repository
maintained by the USFS AirFire team.
The files loaded by this function contain a single year's worth of data.
Pre-processed AirNow exists for the following parameter codes:
88101 -- PM2.5 FRM/FEM Mass
88502 -- PM2.5 non FRM/FEM Mass
Specifying parameterCode = "PM2.5"
will merge records from both
Year [YYYY].
Base URL for monitoring v2 data files.
Local base directory for monitoring v2 data files.
Type of QC to apply to negative values.
One of the EPA AQS criteria parameter codes.
A mts_monitor object with EPA AQS data. (A list with
and data