Processes raw monitor data to add a uniform time axis and consistent data columns that can be handled by various raw~ functions. All original raw data is retained, and the following additional columns are added:

  • dataSource

  • longitude

  • latitude

  • temperature

  • humidity

  • windSpeed

  • windDir

  • pressure

  • pm25

The datetime column in the incoming dataframe may have missing hours. This time axis is expanded to a uniform, hourly axes with missing data fields added for data columns.




raw monitor data, as created by airsis_createRawDataframe or wrcc_createRawDataframe


Dataframe with original raw data, plus new columns with raw naming scheme for downstream use.


if (FALSE) { # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available try({ library(PWFSLSmoke) df <- airsis_createRawDataframe(startdate=20160901, enddate=20161015, provider='USFS', unitID=1012) df <- raw_enhance(df) rawPlot_timeseries(df, tlim=c(20160908,20160917)) }, silent = FALSE) }