Uses the input coordinates to fetch and composite a raster from the tile server. Returns a raster::rasterBrick object. This can then passed as the rasterBrick object to the staticmap_plotRasterBrick() function for plotting.

As of July 2019, this list is a handy reference to the freely available tile servers which can be previewed at the following URL:

  centerLon = NULL,
  centerLat = NULL,
  maptype = "world_topo",
  zoom = 12,
  width = 640,
  height = 640,
  bbox = NULL,
  maxTiles = 20,
  crs = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326"),
  tileCacheDir = tempdir()



Map center longitude.


Map center latitude.


Selects the appropriate Esri tile server. Options include:

  • "world_topo"

  • "world_imagery"

  • "world_terrain"

  • "de_Lorme"

  • "world_grey"

  • "world_streets"


map Zoom level.


Width of image, in pixels.


Height of image, in pixels.


Bounding box vector (lonLo, latLo, lonHi, latHi). If not null, centerLon, centerLat, and zoom are ignored.


Maximum number of tiles to be returned. The greater the number, the slower the performance -- arbitrarily set to 20 by default.


Object of class CRS. The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) for the returned map. If the CRS of the downloaded map does not match, it will be projected to the specified CRS using raster::projectRaster.


Optional location for cached tiles.


A rasterBrick object which can be plotted with staticmap_plotRasterBrick() or raster::plotRGB() and serve as a base plot.


The spatial reference of the image when it is downloaded is 3857. If the crs argument is different, projecting may cause the size and extent of the image to differ very slightly from the input, on a scale of 1-2 pixels or 10^-3 degrees.

If bbox is specified and the bbox aspect ratio does not match the width/height aspect ratio the extent is resized to prevent the map image from appearing stretched, so the map extent may not match the bbox argument exactly.

If both zoom and maxTiles are specified, maxTiles takes precedence. To get a specified zoom level, set maxTiles = NULL.

See also


if (FALSE) { # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available try({ rasterBrick <- staticmap_getEsrimapBrick(-122.3318, 47.668) staticmap_plotRasterBrick(rasterBrick) }, silent = FALSE) }