Raw character data from WRCC are parsed into a tibble. The incoming fileString can be read in directly from WRCC using wrcc_downloadData() or from a local file using readr::read_file().

The type of monitor represented by this fileString is inferred from the column names using wrcc_identifyMonitorType() and appropriate column types are assigned. The character data are then processed, read into a tibble and augmented in the following ways:

  1. Spaces at the beginning and end of each line are moved.

  2. All header lines beginning with ':' are removed.




character string containing WRCC data


Dataframe of WRCC raw monitor data.


Fire Cache Smoke Monitoring Archive


if (FALSE) { # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available try({ fileString <- wrcc_downloadData(20150701, 20150930, unitID = 'SM16') tbl <- wrcc_parseData(fileString) }, silent = FALSE) }