This set of rules is for use with the
. functions. It includes all time-related
functions from the base and lubridate packages that are involved
with parsing or formatting datetimes and helps check whether the appropriate
timezone arguments are being explicitly used.
timezoneLintRules <- list(
# base functions
"as.Date" = "tz",
"as.POSIXct" = "tz",
"as.POSIXlt" = "tz",
"ISOdate" = "tz",
"ISOdatetime" = "tz",
"strftime" = "tz",
"strptime" = "tz",
"Sys.Date" = "DEPRECATED", # Please don't use this function!
"Sys.time" = "DEPRECATED", # Please don't use this function!
# lubridate functions
"as_datetime" = "tz",
"date_decimal" = "tz",
"fast_strptime" = "tz",
"force_tz" = "tzone",
"force_tzs" = "tzone_out",
"interval" = "tzone",
"local_time" = "tz",
"make_datetime" = "tz",
"now" = "tzone",
"parse_date_time" = "tz",
"parse_date_time2" = "tz",
"today" = "tzone",
"with_tz" = "tzone",
"ymd" = "tz",
"ymd_h" = "tz",
"ymd_hm" = "tz",
"ymd_hms" = "tz",
# MazamaCoreUtils functions
"dateRange" = "timezone",
"timeRange" = "timezone",
"parseDatetime" = "timezone"
A list of function = argument pairs.