Package SummarySummary description of package capabilities. |
MazamaCoreUtils: Utility Functions for Production R Code |
Time UtilitiesFunctions for working with datetimes |
Create a POSIXct date range |
Create a POSIXct date sequence |
Parse datetime strings |
Create a POSIXct time range |
Character representation of a POSIXct |
Location UtilitiesFunctions for working with geographical locations |
Create one or more unique locationIDs |
Create a mask of valid locations |
Validate longitude and latitude values |
Validate longitude and latitude vectors |
Logging UtilitiesLogging utilities for MazamaScience projects |
Initialize standard log files |
Log levels |
Python-style logging statements |
Python-style logging statements |
Python-style logging statements |
Python-style logging statements |
Check for initialization of loggers |
Set console log level |
Set up python-style logging |
Python-style logging statements |
Python-style logging statements |
Linting UtilitiesLinting utilites for internal MazamaScience development |
Lint a source file's function arguments |
Rules for timezone linting. |
Package Checking UtilitiesWrapper functions to run |
Run package checks |
Working with NULL valuesConvenience functions for working with |
Set a variable to a default value if it is NULL |
Stop if an object is NULL |
HTML UtilitiesFunctions for parsing web documents |
Find all links in an html page |
Find all tables in an html page |
API KeysAn abstraction layer for the use of API keys |
API keys for data services. |
Get API key |
Set APIKey |
Show API keys |
Other Utilites |
Load R data from URL or local file |
Manage the size of a cache |
Error message generator |