Performs a series of conversions to raw AOD values from .nc file #'
0 -- Converts _FillValue
entries to NA
1 -- Converts signed short values into unsigned short values
2 -- Applies scale_factor
and aod_offset
to create
correctly scaled AOD values
goesaodc_scaleAOD(aod_data, aod_attributes)
aod_data | raw, signed short AOD data read in from GOES .nc file |
aod_attributes | AOD metadata read in from GOES .nc file |
Matrix of properly scaled AOD values.
As of ncdf4 version 1.16.1, the signedbyte flag is only used to
interpret singlye byte values. GOES AODC values are written as unsigned short
int but ncdf4::ncvar_get()
interprets these 16 bits as signed short int.
Hence the need for conversion.