Creates a time series Tibble for AOD at the given coordinates. The readings are approximated by tracking the AOD values for raster cells close to the coordinates.

  rasterStack = NULL,
  longitude = NULL,
  latitude = NULL,
  bbox = NULL,
  method = "simple",
  buffer = NULL,
  fun = mean



a RasterStack with a RasterLayer for every data snapshot.


Longitude of the location of interest in decimal degrees E.


Latitude of the location of interest in decimal degrees N.


bounding box for the rasters.


determines how a value is extracted from the location if a buffer is not used. Can be set to either "simple", which returns the exact value of the cell the coordinates fall in, or "bilinear", which interpolates the four nearest raster cell values.


radius for a circluar region around the location. If multiple cells fall within this region then all of their values are aggregated by the 'fun' method. Radius is measured in map units (typically meters).


function for aggregating all the values in the buffer (if buffer is used)




if (FALSE) { library(MazamaSatelliteUtils) library(MazamaSpatialUtils) setSatelliteDataDir("~/Data/Satellite") setSpatialDataDir("~/Data/Spatial") loadSpatialData("USCensusStates") # Oregon on August 1, 2019 at 12pm (Milepost 97 Fire) datetime <- "2019-08-01 19" timezone <- "UTC" oregon <- subset(USCensusStates, stateCode == "OR") bbox_oregon <- sp::bbox(oregon) lon <- -123.245 lat <- 42.861 # Gather all the raster layers for the given hour into a stack rasterStack <- goesaodc_createRasterStack( satID = "G16", datetime = datetime, timezone = timezone, bbox = bbox_oregon, res = 0.05, dqfLevel = 2, verbose = TRUE ) rasterAvg <- raster::mean(rasterStack, na.rm = TRUE) tb <- raster_createLocationTimeseries(rasterStack = rasterStack, longitude = lon, latitude = lat, bbox = bbox_oregon, buffer = 1000) # Plot AOD time series pal_aod <- colorRampPalette(c("lightgoldenrod1", "red3")) par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) raster::plot(rasterAvg, main = "Average AOD", col = pal_aod(50), xlim = c(-125, -122), ylim = c(42, 44)) plot(oregon, add = TRUE) points(x = c(lon), y = c(lat), cex = 2.0, pch = 3, lwd = 1.5) plot(x = tb$datetime, y = tb$aod, pch = 15, cex = 1, main = datetime, xlab = "Time", ylab = "AOD") }