This function uses the airnow_downloadParseData function to download monthly dataframes of AirNow data and restructures that data into a format that is compatible with the PWFSLSmoke package ws_monitor data model. The output is meant to be used as the df argument in other PWFSLSmoke functions (e.g. airnow_qualityControl).

AirNow data parameters include at least the following list:

  1. BARPR

  2. BC

  3. CO

  4. NO

  5. NO2

  6. NO2Y

  7. NO2X

  8. NOX

  9. NOOY

  10. OC

  11. OZONE

  12. PM10

  13. PM2.5

  14. PRECIP

  15. RHUM

  16. SO2

  17. SRAD

  18. TEMP

  19. UV-AETH

  20. WD

  21. WS

Setting parameters=NULL will generate a separate dataframe for each of the above parameters.

  parameters = NULL,
  startdate = strftime(lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC"), "%Y%m%d00", tz = "UTC"),
  hours = 24



Vector of names of desired pollutants or NULL for all pollutants.


Desired start date (integer or character representing YYYYMMDD[HH]).


Desired number of hours of data to assemble.


List of dataframes where each dataframe contains all data for a unique parameter (e.g: "PM2.5", "NOX").


As of 2016-12-27, it appears that hourly data are available only for 2016 and not for earlier years.

See also


if (FALSE) { # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available try({ airnowList <- airnow_createDataDataframes("PM2.5", 2019062500) }, silent = FALSE) }