This function makes repeated calls to airnow_downloadHourlyData to obtain data from AirNow. All data obtained are then combined into a single tibble and returned.

Parameters included in AirNow data include at least the following list:

  1. BARPR

  2. BC

  3. CO

  4. NO

  5. NO2

  6. NO2Y

  7. NO2X

  8. NOX

  9. NOOY

  10. OC

  11. OZONE

  12. PM10

  13. PM2.5

  14. PRECIP

  15. RHUM

  16. SO2

  17. SRAD

  18. TEMP

  19. UV-AETH

  20. WD

  21. WS

Passing a vector of one ore more of the above names as the parameters argument will cause the resulting tibble to be filtered to contain only records for those parameters.

  parameters = NULL,
  startdate = strftime(lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC"), "%Y%m%d00", tz = "UTC"),
  hours = 24



vector of names of desired pollutants or NULL for all pollutants


desired start date (integer or character representing YYYYMMDD[HH])


desired number of hours of data to assemble


Tibble of aggregated AirNow data.


As of 2016-12-27, it appears that hourly data are available only for 2016 and not for earlier years.

See also


if (FALSE) { # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available try({ tbl <- airnow_downloadParseData("PM2.5", 2016070112, hours = 24) }, silent = FALSE) }