Downloads 'latest' data files into dataDir for later use. Downloaded versions of PWFSL monitoring .RData files allow users to work with the package without access to the internet. Once data are downloaded to dataDir, any of the data loading functions can be called with the dataDir argument to replace internet downloads with local file access.

The recommended directory for PWFSL monitoring data is "~/data/monitoring/RData".

For daily updates covering the most recent 45 days, use monitor_downloadDaily().

For data extended more than 45 days into the past, use monitor_downloadAnnual().

Currently supported parameters include the following:

  1. PM2.5

Avaialble RData files can be seen at:

  parameter = "PM2.5",
  baseUrl = "",
  dataDir = "~/Data/monitoring/RData",



Parameter of interest.


Base URL for data files.


Local directory in which to save the data file.


Additional arguments passed to download.file.

See also


# \donttest{ # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available try({ library(PWFSLSmoke) monitor_loadLatest() %>% monitor_subset(stateCodes=CONUS) %>% monitor_map() }, silent = FALSE)
# }