This function creates interactive graphs that will be displayed in RStudio's 'Viewer' tab.
The list of available parameters include:
-- A and B channel PM2.5 (ug/m3)
-- temperature (F)
-- humidity (%)
-- pressure (hPa)
pat = NULL,
parameter = "pm25",
sampleSize = 5000,
title = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
tlim = NULL,
rollPeriod = 1,
showLegend = TRUE,
colors = NULL,
timezone = NULL
PurpleAir Timeseries pat object from pat_createNew()
Data to display: "pm25", "humidity", "temperature" or "pressure".
Either an integer or fraction to determine sample size.
title text
optional title for the x axis
optional title for the y axis
optional vector with start and end times (integer or character representing YYYYMMDD[HH])
Width (hours) of rolling mean to be applied to the data.
Logical specifying whether to add a legend.
Vector of colors to be used for plotting.
Olson timezone used to interpret tlim
. (Defaults to
local time.)
Initiates the interactive dygraph plot in RStudio's 'Viewer' tab.