The goal of this plot is to get a quick look at available data within a region. A user might look at a single timestep or might pass in a list of nc handles to see if native grid averaging over several time steps significantly reduces the number missing data grid cells.
goesaodc_areaPlot( ncList = NULL, bbox = bbox_CONUS, dqfLevel = 2, col_state = "black", col_county = "white", lwd_state = 1.5, lwd_county = 1, ... )
ncList | ncdf4 handle or a list of handles. |
bbox | Geographic extent of area of interest; Defaults to CONUS. |
dqfLevel | Sets the DQF level to filter to data to. |
col_state | Color of state borders. Use "transparent" for no lines. |
col_county | Color of county borders. Use "transparent" for no lines. |
lwd_state | Line weight of state borders. |
lwd_county | Line weight of county borders. |
... | Additional arguments passed to |
if (FALSE) { library(sp) library(MazamaSpatialUtils) setSpatialDataDir("~/Data/Spatial") loadSpatialData("USCensusStates") library(MazamaSatelliteUtils) setSatelliteDataDir("~/Data/Satellite") # Date and region of interest files <- goesaodc_downloadAOD(satID = "G17", datetime = 2019102714, timezone = "America/Los_Angeles")[1] #' Kincade fire bbox <- c(-124, -120, 36, 39) # Build a list of open nc handles to process ncList <- list() for ( file in files ) { label <- file %>% goesaodc_convertFilenameToDatetime() %>% MazamaCoreUtils::timeStamp(unit = "sec", timezone = "UTC") ncList[[label]] <- goesaodc_openFile(basename(file)) } goesaodc_areaPlot(ncList, kincade_bbox) }