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Install Spatial Data

The AirSensor2 package uses the MazamaSpatialUtils package to enhance data downloaded from PurpleAir with additional spatial metadata. In order to work properly, you must specify a spatial directory and install additional datasets.

If you don’t already have a spatial data directory specified, the following setup is recommended:

if ( !file.exists("~/Data/Spatial") ) {


# Install datasets

# Check installed datasets

Manage PurpleAir API Key

Please see the article on Working with PurpleAir API Keys.

The following code chunks assume that you have set up a global_vars.R file which sets your PurpleAir_API_READ_KEY.

Data Models

Synoptic data (many measurements at a single point in time) are stored as a tibble (modern dataframe) for easy use with dplyr.

Time series data for stationary time series are stored using the MazamaTimeSeries SingleTimeSeries (sts) data model:

Time series data from a single environmental sensor typically consists of multiple parameters measured at successive times. This data is stored in an R list containing two dataframes.

sts$meta – 1 row = unique device-deployment; cols = device/location metadata

sts$data – rows = UTC times; cols = measured parameters (plus an additional datetime column)

Synoptic Data Example

The following example creates a PurpleAir_synoptic (or “pas”) object with recent measurements for all PurpleAir sensors in Washington state.

# AirSensor2 package

# Set user's PurpleAir_API_READ_KEY
setAPIKey("PurpleAir-read", PurpleAir_API_READ_KEY)

# Initialize spatial datasets

# All sensors in Washington state
WA_pas <-
    countryCodes = "US",
    stateCodes = "WA",
    lookbackDays = 1,
    location_type = 0

Function classes

The AirSensor2 package handles a variety of data sources within the world of low-cost sensors with various functions tailored to the specifics of each data source.

Functions with names of the form <source>_<action>() are designed to perform a particular <action> on data provided by a specific <source>.

Currently supported sources of data include:

  • Clarity
  • PurpleAir

In addition, functions with names of the form <structure>_<action>() are designed to perform a particular <action> on data that has been converted into a particular <structure> (aka “class”).

Currently supported data structures include:

  • pasPurpleAirSynoptic. Data for many PurpleAir sensors at a specific point in time. Each pas object is a simple tibble.
  • patPurupleAirTimeseries. Time series data for a specific PurpleAir sensor. Each pat object is a list with two tibbles: meta and data.
  • synoptic – Generic synoptic data for many sensors at a specific point in time. Each synoptic object is a simple tibble.

Data pipelines

We encourage people to embrace “data pipeline” style coding as encouraged by dplyr and related packages. The special %>% operator uses the output of one function as the first argument of the next function, thus allowing for easy “chaining” of results. Many of the functions supporting a particular data class take an object of that class as their first argument and return an object of that class. As a result, they can be chained together as in:

# Okanogan county high elevation sites
okanogan_high_pas <-
  WA_pas %>%
  pas_filter(countyName %in% c("Okanogan")) %>%
  pas_filter(elevation >= 800)

# Okanogan county low elevation sites
okanogan_low_pas <-
  WA_pas %>%
  pas_filter(countyName %in% c("Okanogan")) %>%
  pas_filter(elevation < 800)

Best of luck analyzing your local air quality data!