All functions |
Work with API keys |
Air Quality Data Analysis for low-cost Sensors |
Update a Clarity 'mts_monitor' object |
Create a new Clarity 'mts_monitor' object |
Create a new Clarity synoptic dataset |
Enhance synoptic data from Clarity |
Retrieve current hourly data for all Open Data sensors. |
Retrieve current individual records for all Open Data sensors. |
Retrieve current hourly data from a single source. |
Retrieve current individual records from a single source. |
Update a Clarity 'mts_monitor' object |
Comma-separated list of fields needed for PM2.5 data analysis |
Comma-separated list of fields used to create a pas object |
Comma-separated list of metadata fields used to create a pas object |
Comma-separated list of metadata fields used to create a pas object |
Comma-separated list of fields needed for EPA correction |
Comma-separated list of fields needed for creating QC reports. |
Check the validity and type for the provided |
Create a new group |
Create a new member within the specified group |
Delete the specified group |
Delete a member from the specified group |
Retrieve all members of the specified group |
Retrieve all groups owned by the provided |
Retrieve recent data for a single sensor in the specified group |
Retrieve historical data for a single sensor of the specified group |
Retrieve current data for all sensors in the specified group |
Retrieve the latest data of a single sensor |
Retrieve historical data for a single sensor |
Retrieve historical data for a single sensor as CSV |
Retrieve the latest data of multiple sensors matching the provided parameters |
US EPA AQI Index levels, names, colors and action text |
Example enhanced PurpleAir Synoptic dataset |
Example enhanced PurpleAir Synoptic dataset |
Example enhanced PurpleAir Synoptic dataset |
Example raw PurpleAir Synoptic dataset |
Example PurpleAir Timeseries dataset |
Example PurpleAir Timeseries dataset with EPA fields |
Initialize MazamaSpatialUtils package |
Create a new PurpleAir synoptic dataset |
Download synoptic data from PurpleAir |
Enhance synoptic data from PurpleAir |
General purpose filtering for PurpleAir Synoptic objects |
Rectangle area filtering for PurpleAir Synoptic objects |
Date filtering for PurpleAir Synoptic objects |
Find PurpleAir sensors within radial distance |
Find PurpleAir sensors near a monitor |
Test for spatial metadata in pas object |
Test for an empty pas object |
Leaflet interactive map of PurpleAir sensors |
Time range plot showing the lifespan of individual PurpleAir sensors |
Color palettes for PurpleAir |
Returns a column of data from a PurpleAir synoptic object |
Apply correction to PurpleAir PM2.5 data. |
Check pat object for validity |
Create a new PurpleAir timeseries dataset. |
Create a new PurpleAir hourly timeseries dataset. |
Create a raw data PurpleAir timeseries dataset. |
Retain only distinct data records in |
Download time series data from PurpleAir |
General purpose data filtering for pat time series objects |
Date filtering for pat time series objects |
Datetime filtering for pat time series objects |
Extract dataframes from pat objects |
Test for empty pat object |
Test pat object for correct structure |
Convert a PurpleAir Timeseries to a 'mts_monitor' object |
Trim pat time series object to full days |
Check if MazamaSpatialUtils has been initialized |
Leaflet interactive map sensor metadata |
Color palettes for Synoptic data |