The AirSensor2 package allows users to work with the PurpleAir API which requires API keys. This document describes how to automate work with private API keys without including them in a code repository where they might be seen by others.

The PurpleAir API is described at:

When working with PurpleAir data, you should be aware of the following:

Obtain an API key

PurpleAir maintains a community forum with a page dedicated to obtaining an API Key:

Create a global_vars.R file

It is useful to create a file where all API keys and passwords are kept. I recommend keeping this information in a file named global_vars.R which can be sourced at the RStudio prompt or at the beginning of a script. Here is an example:

# global_vars.R file

# ----- PurpleAir API keys ----------------------------------------------------

PurpleAir_API_READ_KEY <- "********-2A00-11EB-A8CD-42010A800126"     #
PurpleAir_API_WRITE_KEY <- "********-2A00-11EB-A8CD-42010A800126"    #

Update the .gitignore file

To avoid uploading your private API keys to GitHub where they might be seen by others, you should create/modify the repository .gitignore file so that it looks something like this:

# .gitignore file

# History files

# Session Data files

# User-specific files

# Example code in package build process

# Output files from R CMD build

# Output files from R CMD check

# RStudio files

# produced vignettes

# OAuth2 token, see

# knitr and R markdown default cache directories

# Temporary files created by R markdown

# R Environment Variables

# ----- Local customization -----

# API Keys

Use API keys in your scripts

The AirSensor2 package maintains an internal set of API keys which users can set using setAPIKey(). These keys will be remembered for the duration of an R session. In functions that accept an API key argument, if the passed in API key is NULL, code will look up a specific named API key to see if that key has been set globally. Setting keys globally is a convenience that simplifies the scripts written by end users.

Currently supported API keys and associated functions include:

Scripts can take advantage of this as seen below:

# AirSensor2 package

# Set user's PurpleAir_API_READ_KEY
setAPIKey("PurpleAir-read", PurpleAir_API_READ_KEY)

# Initialize spatial datasets


From this point on in the R session, all AirSensor2 functions that need to pull data from the PurpleAir API will send the appropriate API key and everything should work.

Best of luck working with new PurpleAir API!