Sends a request to the PurpleAir API endpoint described at: https://api.purpleair.com/#api-groups-get-members-data
Retrieves data for all sensors in the specified group.
api_key = NULL,
group_id = NULL,
fields = PurpleAir_PAList_PM25_FIELDS,
location_type = NULL,
max_age = 604800,
baseUrl = "https://api.purpleair.com/v1/groups"
PurpleAir API READ key.
The group_id
of the requested group. This group must
be owned by the api_key
Comma-separated list of 'sensor data fields' to include in the response.
The location_type
of the sensors. Possible values
are: 0 = Outside, 1 = Inside or NULL
= both.
Filter results to only include sensors modified or updated
within the last max_age
seconds. Using a value of 0 will match sensors of any age.
URL endpoint for the "Get Members Data" API.
List containing current data for all sensors in the specified group.
# \donttest{
# Fail gracefully if any resources are not available
api_key = PurpleAir_API_READ_KEY,
group_id = MY_GROUP_ID
}, silent = FALSE)
#> Error in MazamaCoreUtils::stopIfNull(api_key) :
#> object 'PurpleAir_API_READ_KEY' not found
# }