Generates color palettes for PurpleAir synoptic data with the intention of having a reproducible functional color generator. Default palettes are available for the following parameters:
pas_palette(pas = NULL, parameter = "pm2.5_60minute", paletteName = NULL, ...)
PurpleAir Synoptic pas object.
Value to generate colors for, e.g. pm2.5_60minute
Optional name of an RColorBrewer palette, e.g.
or "Greens"
to use when a default palette is unavailable.
Additional arguments passed on to leaflet::color~
A list containing: 1) a label and color dataframe; and 2)
a vector of color values calculated from the data found in pas
# Smoke in Oregon
Oregon <-
example_pas_pm25 %>%
pas_filter(stateCode == "OR")
colorInfo <- pas_palette(Oregon, "pm2.5_60minute")
x = Oregon$longitude,
y = Oregon$latitude,
pch = 0,
col = colorInfo$colors