All functions |
Utilities for working with RAWS data. |
Add wind barbs to a map |
Add wind barbs to a timeseries plot |
Obtain metadata for every station. |
Obtain RAWS data and create a timeseries object. |
Download RAWS FW13 data |
Load FW13 RAWS timeseries object from a local directory |
Load FW13 RAWS station metadata from a local directory |
Load multiple FW13 RAWS timeseries objects from a local directory |
Parse RAWS FW13 characterString |
Example list of FW13 timeseries data |
Example FW13 timeseries data |
Example FW13 station metadata |
Example list of WRCC timeseries data |
Example WRCC timeseries data |
Example WRCC station metadata |
Get package data directory |
Create a map of RAWS stations |
General purpose data filtering for rawsDF objects |
Date filtering for rawsDF objects |
Test for correct structure for a rawsDF object |
Directory for RAWS data |
Add wind barbs to a map for multiple RAWS stations |
General purpose data filtering for a list of raws_timeseries objects |
Date filtering for a list of raws_timeseries objects |
Test for correct structure for a raws_list object |
Remove raws_timeseries objects from a rawsList. |
Retain only distinct data records in |
General purpose data filtering for raws_timeseries objects |
Date filtering for raws_timeseries objects |
Extract dataframes from raws_timeseries objects |
Test for an empty raws_timeseries object |
Test for correct structure for a raws_timeseries object |
Convert a raws_timeseries object to a rawsDF object |
Create a visualization of wind speed and direction for RAWS data. |
Set package data directory |
Obtain metadata for each station in a state. |
Obtain RAWS data and create a timeseries object. |
Download RAWS data |
Identify RAWS station type |
Load WRCC RAWS station metadata from a local directory |
Load multiple WRCC RAWS timeseries objects from a local directory |
Load WRCC RAWS timeseries object from a local directory |
Parse RAWS data string |