These functions are in the process of being removed from the PWFSLSmoke package, and may not appear in future versions. When available, alternative functions will be listed.
monitorGoogleMap( ws_monitor, slice = get("max"), breaks = AQI$breaks_24, colors = AQI$colors, width = 640, height = 640, centerLon = NULL, centerLat = NULL, zoom = NULL, maptype = "roadmap", grayscale = FALSE, map = NULL, ... ) monitorEsriMap( ws_monitor, slice = get("max"), breaks = AQI$breaks_24, colors = AQI$colors, width = 640, height = 640, centerLon = NULL, centerLat = NULL, zoom = NULL, maptype = "roadmap", grayscale = FALSE, map = NULL, ... ) monitorPlot_timeOfDaySpaghetti( ws_monitor, monitorID = NULL, tlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, aqiLines = TRUE, shadedNight = TRUE, title = NULL, ... ) monitorDygraph( ws_monitor, title = "title", ylab = "PM2.5 Concentration", tlim = NULL, rollPeriod = 1, showLegend = TRUE ) monitor_esriMap( ws_monitor, slice = get("max"), breaks = AQI$breaks_24, colors = AQI$colors, width = 640, height = 640, centerLon = NULL, centerLat = NULL, zoom = NULL, maptype = "worldStreetMap", grayscale = FALSE, mapRaster = NULL, cex = par("cex") * 2, pch = 16, ... ) monitorLeaflet( ws_monitor, slice = get("max"), breaks = AQI$breaks_24, colors = AQI$colors, labels = AQI$names, legendTitle = "Max AQI Level", radius = 10, opacity = 0.7, maptype = "terrain", popupInfo = c("siteName", "monitorID", "elevation") ) monitorMap( ws_monitor, slice = get("max"), breaks = AQI$breaks_24, colors = AQI$colors, pch = par("pch"), cex = par("cex"), stateCol = "grey60", stateLwd = 2, countyCol = "grey70", countyLwd = 1, add = FALSE, ... ) monitorMap_performance( predicted, observed, threshold = AQI$breaks_24[3], cex = par("cex"), sizeBy = NULL, colorBy = "heidikeSkill", breaks = c(-Inf, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, Inf), paletteFunc = grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(breaks), "Purples")[-1]), showLegend = TRUE, legendPos = "topright", stateCol = "grey60", stateLwd = 2, countyCol = "grey70", countyLwd = 1, add = FALSE, ... ) monitorPlot_dailyBarplot( ws_monitor, monitorID = NULL, tlim = NULL, minHours = 18, gridPos = "", gridCol = "black", gridLwd = 0.5, gridLty = "solid", labels_x_nudge = 0, labels_y_nudge = 0, ... ) monitorPlot_hourlyBarplot( ws_monitor, monitorID = NULL, tlim = NULL, localTime = TRUE, style = "AQI", shadedNight = TRUE, gridPos = "", gridCol = "black", gridLwd = 0.5, gridLty = "solid", labels_x_nudge = 0, labels_y_nudge = 0, dayCol = "black", dayLwd = 2, dayLty = "solid", hourCol = "black", hourLwd = 1, hourLty = "solid", hourInterval = 6, ... ) monitorPlot_noData(ws_monitor, monitorID = NULL, cex = 2.5) monitorPlot_rollingMean( ws_monitor, monitorID = NULL, width = 3, align = "center", data.thresh = 75, tlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, localTime = TRUE, shadedNight = FALSE, aqiLines = TRUE, gridHorizontal = FALSE, grid24hr = FALSE, grid3hr = FALSE, showLegend = TRUE ) monitorPlot_timeseries( ws_monitor, monitorID = NULL, tlim = NULL, localTime = TRUE, style = NULL, shadedNight = FALSE, add = FALSE, gridPos = "", gridCol = "black", gridLwd = 1, gridLty = "solid", dayLwd = 0, hourLwd = 0, hourInterval = 6, ... )
Deprecations fall into the following categories:
Silent: These functions immediately call another function without any warning to the user.
Soft: These functions throw a warning when called, then call the correct function, if available.
Hard: These functions will throw an error when called, stopping execution. If an alternative function exists, it will be listed.
monitorDygraph | Use monitor_dygraph |
monitor_esriMap | Use monitor_staticmap |
monitorLeaflet | Use monitor_leaflet |
monitorMap | Use monitor_map |
monitorMap_performance | Use monitor_performanceMap |
monitorPlot_dailyBarplot | Use monitor_dailyBarplot |
monitorPlot_hourlyBarplot | Use monitor_hourlyBarplot |
monitorPlot_noData | Use monitor_noDataPlot |
monitorPlot_rollingMean | Use monitor_rollingMeanPlot |
monitorPlot_timeseries | Use monitor_timeseriesPlot |
monitor_esriMap | Use monitor_staticmap |
monitorEsriMap | Use monitor_staticmap |
monitorGoogleMap | Use monitor_staticmap |
monitorPlot_timeOfDaySpaghetti | No alternative |