All functions |
Add a logo to a ggplot object |
Add AQI lines to a plot |
Add AQ category stacked bars to a plot |
Add date scale with custom styling |
USFS AirFire PM2.5 diurnal scales |
USFS AirFire PM2.5 timeseries scales |
Calculate NowCast values |
Add pm25 points to a plot |
Create a pm25 diurnal ggplot |
Create a pm25 timeseries ggplot |
Calendar plot |
Create a daily barplot for one or more monitors |
Create an archival daily barplot for one or more monitors |
Create a diurnal plot for one or more monitors |
Create an archival diurnal plot for one or more monitors |
Create a Daily-Hourly plot for many monitors |
Create a timeseries plot for one or more monitors |
Create an archival timeseries plot for one or more monitors |
Check if data is tidy-formatted mts_monitor data |
Convert mts_monitor data to a tidy format |
Add air quality categories to a plot |
Add daily average air quality categories to a plot |
Add hourly averages to a plot |
Add NowCast values to a plot |
Theme for AirFire plots |
Theme for AirFire daily barplot for use in the monitoring site |
Theme for AirFire dailyByHour plot for use in the monitoring site |
Theme for AirFire Daily Hourly Barplot |
Theme for AirFire timeseries plots for use in the monitoring site |